вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

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Fangirls are the nicest people in the world. Fact.

Spent the weekend in Stratford with a group I met through tinterweb, bit wierd as I refuse to online date, but am happy to make friends online.

I am so glad�I did, they could well be the most lovely group of ladies ever.

Reviews of the plays (Hamlet and Loveapos;s labourapos;s Lost) to follow, but i just want to quickly gush about the fun I had.

I had never met any of them before, they began organising this trip this time last year, before I was even a member of the forum (I jumped in around July time). They had all met before in Cardiff and at various other events, however, there were no apos;in jokesapos; and any references that were made to previous trips were fully explained for the benefit of people who hadnapos;t been there. They were so welcoming that after an hour or two I felt I had known them for months.

The organisation that went into the trip was amazing, reservations for dinner were made, a menu was circulated in advance and orders placed. A spreadsheet was brought on the day to remind people what they ordered. Pre Theatre dinner for 20 or so one night and 33�the next �could have been pretty traumatic, but it went almost without a hitch.

Some are going to the EE screening at Bafta next week, then there is another trip planned for Hamlet in London in January, which iapos;m in for, and also I think a Cardiff visit next year which Iapos;ve been told I need to attend :)

One other thing about these amazing people, the respect they have for David (Tennant) is�awesome. One�morning in Stratford we�found ourselves in very close proximity to the man himself. There was no one else around, just him and his security chap. They could have called over, asked him to sign stuff/had photos taken, but didnapos;t. He�was off duty, on his way to work. It was not the time and place, so the group�decided to pay him no attention (or at least appear�like we were paying no attention) and let him go about his business.

At the stage door later that day, the same security guard�recognised the group while waiting at the barrier, he sauntered over to point�out that�DT had walked right past us earlier and we hadnapos;t noticed. At which point it was�explained out we did notice, but�he was on his�way to work and we figured it was neither the time not the place. Security chap seemed quite impressed by this.�Snaps to us.

I donapos;t usually get on with girls (despite being one),�but i think this group could well be the exception to the rule. �

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