вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

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Fangirls are the nicest people in the world. Fact.

Spent the weekend in Stratford with a group I met through tinterweb, bit wierd as I refuse to online date, but am happy to make friends online.

I am so glad�I did, they could well be the most lovely group of ladies ever.

Reviews of the plays (Hamlet and Loveapos;s labourapos;s Lost) to follow, but i just want to quickly gush about the fun I had.

I had never met any of them before, they began organising this trip this time last year, before I was even a member of the forum (I jumped in around July time). They had all met before in Cardiff and at various other events, however, there were no apos;in jokesapos; and any references that were made to previous trips were fully explained for the benefit of people who hadnapos;t been there. They were so welcoming that after an hour or two I felt I had known them for months.

The organisation that went into the trip was amazing, reservations for dinner were made, a menu was circulated in advance and orders placed. A spreadsheet was brought on the day to remind people what they ordered. Pre Theatre dinner for 20 or so one night and 33�the next �could have been pretty traumatic, but it went almost without a hitch.

Some are going to the EE screening at Bafta next week, then there is another trip planned for Hamlet in London in January, which iapos;m in for, and also I think a Cardiff visit next year which Iapos;ve been told I need to attend :)

One other thing about these amazing people, the respect they have for David (Tennant) is�awesome. One�morning in Stratford we�found ourselves in very close proximity to the man himself. There was no one else around, just him and his security chap. They could have called over, asked him to sign stuff/had photos taken, but didnapos;t. He�was off duty, on his way to work. It was not the time and place, so the group�decided to pay him no attention (or at least appear�like we were paying no attention) and let him go about his business.

At the stage door later that day, the same security guard�recognised the group while waiting at the barrier, he sauntered over to point�out that�DT had walked right past us earlier and we hadnapos;t noticed. At which point it was�explained out we did notice, but�he was on his�way to work and we figured it was neither the time not the place. Security chap seemed quite impressed by this.�Snaps to us.

I donapos;t usually get on with girls (despite being one),�but i think this group could well be the exception to the rule. �

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понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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Hi Everyone

Well this is my first journal post and just wanted to say that Iapos;m so excited that Iapos;m going to be a father and at the same time alittle scared. This was a total surprise to both Becky and me. We had been trying early in our marriage to have a child but never seemed to be able to conceived. About 2 years ago we thought we had conceived but ended in a early miscarriage. Since then we had many disappointments and kinda stop trying.� So this came as a total shock when we had 2 positive HPT. We both are so ready to be parents, though this will be probably one and only child we will have since I just turned 38 and most of the people my age that I went to school with have children in high school or starting college.

Iapos;m so looking forward to being a father and this is the most excited Iapos;ve ever been. Have about a million things that need to get done by next June.One thing �I did not know the actual cost of prenatal care and�delivery would run about $12000 to $15000 per baby. When we met with the OB/GYN last week for our first visit to confirm that we were actually expecting, they took us to meet with the Business Manager to talk about how we would pay for the final bill and found out that even after insurance we would still be facing a bill around $3000 to $4000.

Becky is starting to feel the symtoms of her pregnancy.� She is very tired all the time and just beginning to get morning sickness. She is now 2 month pregnant and looking forward to moving into her second trimester so symtoms will decrease.

Well Iapos;m off to bed so I will write soon

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.


Is it against school rules to go to the library when youapos;re supposed to be in class? Because no oneapos;s in our class and it can get super boring. So, i sit here, next to Elfa (whose brother or sister is NOT beta since thatapos;s what everyone says when I say her name :/) and type away.

I am bored. I am bored. I am bored. BORED BORED BORED.

OHOH. I still need to say stuff about Baby Shower and how Jan is a complete itch-bay and how much I would KILL to KILL HER and how my Jam love is restored and how Holly and Michael is my second OTP (i lovee them)

I played cheat in class. It turns out me being in Drama is a good thing since no one can tell when Iapos;m lying and when Iapos;m not. They seem flamboozled and itapos;s so fun watching them take all the cards when they realize I didnapos;t cheat. Oh, how I love this game.

Ok, I tyhnk thatapos;s all Iapos;d need to say. Maybe? Iapos;ll type again today I think?

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.


Words canapos;t begin to express the level of disappointment that I have in myself. Iapos;m not trying to make you unhappy. All my life, people have been telling me to think before I speak. The last thing I ever want to do is make you upset with me. I always seem to mess up or say the wrong thing and prove myself as the inconsiderate bastard that I naturally am. I wish I knew how to change. Its as if this whole week of fasting did absolutely nothing for me. Whatapos;s the purpose of recognizing my faults if I donapos;t know how to correct them. Iapos;ve come to realize that Iapos;m just plain bad at certain things. I understand that you hate most of the things that I do and that I�have a lot of faults. Iapos;m not trying to plead my case again. One can mess up only so many times before he must admit that he isnapos;t worth the cause. Thereapos;s no room for excuses. Unfortunately, thatapos;s the way that I am, and Iapos;m not maturing rapidly enough to be suitable for you. I really wish I had never told anyone. I wish that I didnapos;t feel a need to tell people about my life. I donapos;t know why I am that way and Iapos;m sorry that youapos;ve had to feel the backlash of my negative qualities. I guess there isnapos;t a lot of ways to say that Iapos;m sorry and that I donapos;t deserve you. I hope that you can find it in the bottom of your heart to forgive me, but if you canapos;t then I understand. Iapos;m writing you this because I know that nothing that I say will change your opinion of me, but at least I want you to know that I donapos;t mean to hurt you. I�love you and I always will and whenever youapos;re in doubt, always remember that. Please pray for me.

� � � Tim
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